The point in both of those cases is that you can aim with just hand movement, only knowing the distance to the target from the current position of the reticicle & estimating the movement necessary in your brain, NOT relying on your eyes to stop it when it reaches there. Then I adjusted it based on the feel during normal gameplay so it doesn't feel sluggish when turning or trying to actually aim at stuff more in front of me, cause Cuisine Royale aiming is a bit different compared to some other games.įor aiming: I set it so that I can aim at two specific points on my screen repeatedly fast, without failure (you wanna be able to do the same for 3rd person view too), but also so that aiming around doesn't feel constrained due to some slowness. If using a mouse, use your elbow to move it instead of the wrist. The single swipe movement I'm talking about is supposed to be of the size you won't do on accident, but also isn't tiring to your hand at all. You may use the map to help you tell you didn't turn too much or not enough. In normal 3rd person view: I set it so that when I can use one confident swipe to immediately turn around to see what's behind me (+/- exactly 180 degrees), since this is the most you're ever going to need anyway. In any ase, this isn't the first thing you wanna do, change it only after the ones below, if you really need to at all.) ( or I probably adjusted it to 0.95 after some fiddling. Then in game: I have the main mouse sensitivity set to default 1.0, and only changed the 3rd person sensitivity and the aiming one. Games usually override this setting internally, so it doesn't matter for them what sensitivity you set here, because they use their own. Then adjust the mouse speed (probably put it somewhere very close to the middle) to be not too slow not too fast for moving mouse around the desktop and actually getting it where you want it. Never turn it on again, never go back (after you use it for a while you won't want to anyway). In Windows: first & foremost, in order to be able to aim properly at all: turn off the mouse setting that says "Enhance mouse pointer precision" or sth along those lines.