Maxthon built Adblock Plus into the new version in a bid to make sure that the browser is as fast as any other browsers as Ad blocking has been the major feature of the platform.
That’s why Maxthon’s MX5 browser offers free features that users would normally pay for and also emphasizes on its additional value-added features such as how it renders Web pages quick and accurately through utilizing both the Trident and Webkit rendering engines. The web browser space is quite dominated by huge players like Google so Maxthon had to do something different than those big players to be recognized. The rank of the browser falls somewhere into the last 0.14 percent of the browser market under “other.” On a side note, this most recent release was planned to be announced on July 14, but it had been postponed for reasons that were not explained. The company doesn’t register on Web analytics company NetApplications' list of the top browsers either. Before today's release, Maxthon was last updated in 2014. In contrast to other companies in the tech world, the company releases major updates to its browser once every two years or so, with an emphasis on cloud data. In other words, the browser will shift more from its minimalist form to a richer information center." It's really a platform that can give people services and content to make lives better and more enjoyable. But we're saying, hey wait, a browser can be much more than that. "Web browsers have, for the most part, been defined as just simple presentation tools.

"The traditional browser is dying," said Maxthon Founder and CEO Jeff Chen. The goal of the new browser is to deliver a faster, safer and more personal browsing experience than any product on the market today with three key features: Infobox, Passkeeper, and UUMail.

Maxthon, a web browsing tools developer, announced today that it has launched a beta version of its new MX5, the one-stop information assistant that serves as a platform to provide meaningful content to users. Data Security, Google, startup, web browser